Monthly Archives: January 2009

Pizza it is

At times I often ponder the strangest things. For the life of me I could not figure out why pizza was such a huge deal at birthday parties. Yeah, pizza is good (unless it’s the pizza from Chuckie Cheese) but why the hell do kids love it so much?

I think I’ve figured out the mystery. It’s the parents pushing the pizza, not the kids. The kids like it, but now that I’ve had to deal with birthday parties and cake and screaming kids I totally understand pushing pizza on them. It’s so easy and most the time you can have a different person make it. From what I can tell the kids would like just about anything because they are just so damn excited to be in the moment having a party. But the parents are way more calculating and conniving than that. Oh yeah. You parents know what I’m talking about.

Totally get it. Just though you might want some analysis on that.

Weight Loss Update

It’s been a busy week. Sorry for the lack of posts. This week was the week of tiredness. All the activity caught up with me and I was tired, tired, tired.

Still am, even after teenager levels of sleep this weekend.


Gained a pound back this week. It was a really bad week for me food wise. I followed my WODs but I want to increase the activity level more. Even though I’m usually really tired when I’m done I’m not sure if it’s enough activity. We’ll see how this week goes. I’m going to get back on the food wagon and see if I can lose a couple more next week.

For Dog Lovers

If you are a dog lover you’ll probably want to read this story.

8 years in 8 minutes

In case you haven’t seen it yet…

Weight Loss Update #2, and More!

What a crazy 2 weeks the last 2 weeks have been.  We had a crazy visit from my wife’s friend Jenn, a couple feet of snow (really), temperatures a 30 below zero, about 5 or 6 missed school days, lots of missed work (I wouldn’t say I was missing it) and other crazy things.  Plus, a new workout regime.  Crazy times.

The chickens went through the really cold weather really well.  They spent a lot of time inside their coop and it really, really needs to be cleaned out.  The weather report doesn’t look favorable for that but maybe I can at least add some bedding to the bottom so it is a little more tidy.

I thought I might have more to say than that, but I don’t.

My WOD yesteday was a killer.  It took me 70 minutes to work through it.  I had to take a fair amount of breaks while I was doing it.  My legs couldn’t handle all the attention.  I can tell I’m getting stronger though.  I can pound out a fair amount of pushups now and I’m starting to see some of the quick movement action when I’m doing a pullup.  Not to mention I’m not nearly as sore as I was last week.

273.  2 more pounds this week.

5 pounds total.  In the past 2 weeks I’ve burnt 17,500 calories more than I ate.  (3500 calories per pound of fat)  That’s pretty amazing.


It’s supposed to hit -17 for a low tonight! 

Man alive.  -40 with the wind.

Feel a little sorry for the chickens.

Orlov Hits One Out of the Park

I don’t agree with every single things he says, but for the most part he is spot on.

Club Orlov

Fantastic writing.

Weight Loss Update

I told myself that I would check my weight once a week on Sunday evenings at about the same time as my first weight in.  WordPress says my other post was at 18:47.

This past week I’ve done a ton of exercise.  I’ve spent at least 8 hours in the gym exercising.  This CrossFit thing is an amazing workout.  It’s only been 5 workouts and I already have muscles popping out where before there weren’t any.  I’ve been hitting it pretty hard though.  I’m pushing myself through my previous limits and I have some seriously sore area every single day.  Some days I get done with the workout and I can hardly walk because my legs are quivering so badly.  They feel like jelly.

That’s one thing I like about this workout.  I can push myself past my limits without really feeling like I am.  It’s designed in such a way that you just kind of do that.  I’m not able to do that on the treadmill or elliptical.  I might as well not try on them.

I’m watching the clock as I type this just waiting for it to be time.  My stomach feels smaller, but that could be the stomach workouts paying off.  I’m not sure.  We’ll see.

275.  Lost 3 pounds the first week.  I’m aiming for 5 pounds a month, but I really thought I had a bigger loss this week than that based on how my body looks.  Oh well, I’m ahead of target.  Forward!  On to the coming week.

Mish rocks a Great Post

If you haven’t already you should check out this posting by Mish.  It’s fantastic.

Great summation of whether or not the stock market is cheap.

Post is here.

I’m posting this in IE which is just god-awful.

What Depression?

I keep hearing the news about how awful things are.  Shopping is down.  Restaurant meals are down.  While I think that might be true in some areas it doesn’t seem to be the case here.  Every time I drive by a restaurant it seems to be loaded to the gills with people.  About the only thing that makes me think we’re in a downturn is all the foreclosure notices in the paper and all the houses with for sale signs that last a long, long time.

When I was Christmas shopping I did notice a smaller crowd at the mall, but certainly not a huge difference.  And in my after holiday shopping I noticed the shops as busy as ever.  Maybe my little area has been insulated so far from the worst of it?  Even though our city was flooded this summer most of the city was left untouched (or who knows, all this rebuilding might be promoting a bubble) and especially the two biggest employers in town.  They didn’t have any flood problems and they haven’t even laid off any people yet.  Perhaps that is cushioning the area?  I’m not sure really, but I’m not seeing a huge impact yet.

Maybe part of this is the because we don’t get the crazy swings up and down like a lot of places.  We don’t see 30% per year increases in our housing values, but that also means we don’t see the same declines either.  Things are much more level and even keeled here than a lot of places.  I’d be interested in what some of you are seeing around the country.